A simple and fun monthly contest, share your #MacsMoment to win outdoor gear. Plus, this year there’s the chance to win the trip of a lifetime!
A #MacsMoment is a memorable moment you’ve captured on your adventure, one of the many that will make you look back and smile. Share it with us and our community by entering your photos and videos the app or in the form below, and make sure you add the story behind the picture in the caption section.
The contest runs year-round. Each month the Macs team will round up the entries we've received that month and vote to select the winner of a lovely new bit of outdoor gear!
Plus, make sure you include the story behind your moment, because all entries received between April 1st and November 30th, 2025 will be in with the chance to win the ultimate 2025 annual prize…
We aren't looking for technically perfect shots, we want to see the views that made you stop and stare, wildlife encounters, summit selfies and moments of fun and camaraderie along the way.
We want to see your #MacsMoment, but we also want to hear about it. So, tell us the story behind why it was your #MacsMoment by captioning your photos or clips, or even telling the story on video! What made it special, and what made you pause to capture it?
Annual prize – Send us your entry and tell your story
This year is extra special, and one lucky winner this year will win a voucher for $2,500 USD towards their trip of a lifetime! Travel stories inspire, and for us 2025 is the year of stories. So, to qualify, make sure you not only send in your photo or video clip, but also tell us all about your moment!
Monthly prize – Best photo or video clip
Don’t worry – we will still be running our monthly competition where the best picture or video clip each month can win a piece of outdoor gear. A backpack, a jacket... prizes vary each month, but we always choose brands we love for style and performance.